Monday, October 12, 2015

Settling In

I've come up with a plan to maintain my fitness through the winter and begin prepping for the Big Day (10 months from now). So here it is. Run three times  a week (at least one run has to be at least 5 miles). Bike once a week, at least 10 miles, at a moderate to hard pace. Next spring I'll really start hitting the swimming. The end.

And then I ignored that plan, talked myself out of doing anything almost every day of the week, only biked twice and since gave it up. Good thing I got a new helmet. For that one ride.

I keep feeling these twinges in my shins, and then convince myself I shouldn't run so I don't hurt myself worse. But I don't know if that's a reason or an excuse. I'm just stuck. I need a goal. I need a big looming EVENT to keep me going. I really liked those long runs, and now I really miss them. Sigh. I've gotta find some motivation soon. I'll keep you posted.

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