Friday, January 1, 2016

This is THE Year!

Mary and I talked each other into this adventure last summer. Then I told myself there was PLENTY of time, I didn't need to start getting serious about training till next year. And now. Next Year is here I've been procrastinating on doing anything and have hardly run at all. Today's the day.

Today started off on the completely wrong foot. I discovered that I had accidentally deleted my entire running playlist from my phone. One hundred (or something) of the best running songs I've ever heard were all gone. I admit it - I sobbed. Sat at my desk and cried. Went upstairs to Wonderful Husband and he gave me a pep talk. I decided I was NOT going to let the Universe of Bad Stuff discourage me. This is The Year and I have to get serious about training.

So first Wonderful Husband took me for a walk around the block. Then I went off for a run on my own without music. And it was nice. And it turns out there's almost no traffic on New Year's Day. So it was very peaceful. Dear Universe of Bad Stuff... GET LOST! You can't stop me from that wonderful day in August when Mary and I will cross that finish line together. IronGirl, here we come!

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