Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I SWAM today!!

Ok, I've been swimming since September.  I started with swim lessons and I've been trying to increase my time in the pool and for some reasons, like work, I haven't been successful on a consistent basis. Well today I said, I'm going swimming.  I need to be able to do 20 laps comfortably in the pool.  I gotta go get more time in.  Well today I SWAM!!!!  I did 7 laps!!!! Ok, 1 1/2 laps was with a kick board BUT..... I didn't stop I the middle of a lap.... AT ALL!!!!
That's a GREAT accomplishment!!! I have many fears and anxieties and the water used to be one.  I feel VERY accomplished right now!! 

I am VERY grateful to Amy for suggesting don't the Triathlon together!! I don't know if I'd EVER have been able to swim lime I can now!

Thanks Triathamom!!! My friend, Amy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I am so glad you AGREED to do the triathlon, otherwise I'd probably be telling myself "oh maybe not, why bother, who needs to do THAT crazy thing." But when you signed up the DAY that registration opened... Well, that sealed the deal! I'm so impressed with how you're facing your fears, diving right in with swimming lessons, working hard on your running, everything. We're gonna do this thing! AND you're going to swim that first part NO PROBLEM. I KNOW you can do it!
